Sunday 13 December 2020


This fertile valley, hundreds of kilometers east of Marrakesh, looked very different three years ago. Instead of this organic farm, the land here had been claimed by the desert. The farmers that work it today lived precariously.

Farmer Mohamed Ait Lamine: "Before, we were oppressed by periods of drought. Even if you wanted to work the land -- if you wanted to do things -- there was no water. People lived on the edge of death."

During the frequent droughts, Mohamed Ait Lamine and others left their families to look for work on construction sites in cities far away.

Farmer Brahim Baiach: "Then, there was barely enough food, just barely enough. It wasn't like now."

Two years ago, international donors put up money to drill a well. The Moroccan government donated land. And 30 of Hart Chaou's poorest families brought a cornucopia out of the ground.

Lamine: "Last year, I sold 400 to 500 kilos of green peas, we thank God."

Baiach: "Tomatoes, watermelon, potatoes, carrots, turnips, peppers -- we've got all vegetables here."

The land had been divided into plots and distributed to residents who had no arable soil of their own.

Foreign aid paid for the pump that brings up the water and fills this reservoir. The farmers themselves pay to keep it running. Their new irrigation method has cut water usage by half.

 Lamine: "In the past, we worked in a haphazard way, without any techniques. We worked as our fathers did."

Now, the farmers plant their crops closer together and run water through narrow trenches. The technique was taught by aid workers who also showed the farmers how to fertilize with compost or manure.

Farmer Saddik Ait Abdelouahed: "What we're doing now is better. Now we have real techniques."

The methods they learned here are already being used in other regions, but it's not simple.

Lahcen Khallouki is President of Hart Chaou's Development Association. "It can be replicated, but the first thing is to have the space. Without land, one cannot do anything. Also, it's necessary to have a fund for the management of the land."

And farmers who can make the desert bloom.

1. They received donations to drill a well.
It's not said on the video.

2. "Last year, I sold ___________ kilos of green peas," Lamine said.
4 to 5.
40 to 50.
400 to 500.

3. "Tomatoes, watermelon, _________, carrots, turnips, peppers -- we've got all vegetables here," Baiach said.

4. The farmers pay to keep the pump running.
It's not said on the video.

5. In the past, they used to work as their fathers did.
It's not said on the video.

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